Thanks to Foundry Planet for introducing Weijing unique grinding machine for round castings

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Suzhou Weijing Automation Co., Ltd.  苏ICP备13022557号-1  

Roc Hang
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Suzhou Weijing Automation Co., Ltd

Address: Building 9th,No.156, Xinyang Avenue, Chuangjin Industrial Park, Changshu, Suzhou, China

Contacts: Mr. Roc Hang

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Email: roc.hang@weijingsz.com

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Thanks to Foundry Planet for introducing Weijing unique grinding machine for round castings

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Happy to see the introduction of Weijing unique grinding machine for round castings on German Foundry Planet website. 

Weijing unique grinding machine is customized for fettling parting lines or end gate projection on the circular surface of round castings. 

What features does the machine have? why do I need it? what is the requirement on the round castings?

If you have same interests to know more details, please visit the link below. 


Thanks again to Foundry Planet for the introduction. 

Round Casting Grinding, Think about Weijing!